

- 1 min read


img of 如果RSV疫苗像流感疫苗一样普通,会发生什么事?

A U.S. study suggests that if RSV vaccines were given to individuals aged 60 and above like a flu shot, it would significantly reduce illnesses and deaths, and ease burden on healthcare systems. The analysis also indicated major financial savings in the U.S. health-care system from annual outpatient and hospitalization costs. Various scenarios following vaccine administration predicted reduced illness, costs and death rates among the elderly. The study highlights the importance of making RSV vaccines accessible to everyone aged 60 and older, stating real-world efficacy data is vital in confirming these benefits.


If RSV vaccines were to become as widely accessible as flu shots, we could realisticly hope for a sharp decline in illnesses and deaths among the elderly. Not only would this potentially save lives, but would also contribute significantly to the financial savings within the U.S. healthcare system.